I always feel the necessity of a disclaimer... sometimes common sense isn't readily available, and the "obvious" isn't all that clear. So:
These are not real letters- they are just compositions I would never have the guts to send. Some of them aren't even letters- in fact most of them will probably be thoughts and questions- reflections, if you will. I'd like to keep them in letter form, hopefully I won't stray too far from that basic template. As the French would say, "Allez Viens!"
Most girls, ladies, women, etc. do this; you see someone that you don't know- and for the sake of conversation label them with a name. It could be anything... i.e. "Oh, remember Pigtails Girl?" or "I saw that Pigeon Man again" We've been naming mysterious figures since, well forever. Case in point: "the Lone Ranger" and any superhero ever known to mankind. Pants guy is just that, a nickname. It is indeed a nickname that I actually used/use, but the necessity of a nickname becomes little more than an embarrassment that you never bring up again once you know that person in question. Therefore, "Pants Guy" was retired. Maybe one day I'll have the guts to tell the story of it's origination. But for all intensive purposes: "Pants Guy" for us, is well, any guy who wears pants.
So the object is to write to every guy, well, ever? No. It's more of a selective, whatever I'm going though, rant, Ode, Poem, Accolade, whatever. These letters will be to any guy that happens to be in the picture at the moment- or was. Just stuff that I need to get out- and hopefully someone, anyone, can relate.

Peace, Love, and All of that Jazz,
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