Dear Pants Guy,
You make my blood boil. I try to be civil, really, because being a complete and total moron is not my style.
First of all, I honestly thought practical jokes that involved IMing someone and pretending to "like them" were good and extinct in Middle School. Apparently not? I missed that note- someone must have put it in the wrong locker...
I almost feel bad about trying to tell you how much of a compliment it was that you found the guts to actually tell me how you felt, and then trying to let you down easy. No, you didn't have very good chance of getting a date- and now? Oh, buddy- there isn't an expression cliché enough to tell you how much of a chance you don't have.
Am I being too harsh? I mean, after all it was a joke- and I do love good jokes, in fact I've pulled a couple great pranks myself; of course it is true that none of them ended with me looking like a dumbass, but not everyone is equal...
I guess I just can't believe that you think it's funny to get turned down by a girl, and I'd really like to say that it's a pretty shitty thing to do to all of the nice guys in this world who really do mean it- and might have had a chance. I know the kind of guts it takes to ask somebody out, even on IM- and it's sad that you have to dismantle, in one lame-ass maneuver, what thousands of bruised ego's and shot-to-hell self confidences had built for every guy without a BMW.
Just remember how hysterical this joke was when you ask the girl of your dreams out and she tells you that you "don't have a snowball's chance in hell." At least she can think up a fitting cliché...
Peace, Love, and All that Other Jazz-- Sign Me,
Disappointed that Middle School Reared Its Ugly Head Again
Back in the USA
15 years ago
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